Sunday, April 20, 2008

Elebot Update

Harro everyone!! I'm back for now!!
Would you believe it, not too long ago-an hour after I got back, I received news that I am to be off on another working trip again in the coming week, meaning the end of April, first week of May. More on that in my upcoming post. =----------="" It doesn't seem like I would have enough time to settle down let alone blog much. I shall do my best to blog whilst I can!!! :D

Here's a quick update for now! :)
I just found out that Elebot is finally in Tokyo! Part of the Speakerdog Papertoy Exhibition @ Cafe Pause hosted by Jean Snow. You can view her below:

Art imitates Life or Life imitates Art? In this case, it would be I'm beginning to imitate an illustration of my own illustrations. GAHH!!! :P I went for a hair cut! I think I look rather different. I am not even used to my own NEW look. I have been keeping long hair for ages and it was time to crop it short. This is way shorter than I had ever tried before. =-----="" Here's a peek!

A quick shoutout to to my dear friend, Ju, who's about to launch his Senior Thesis Show on 28-29 April '08. Its entitled "Doll-like", an interesting showcase of fine artworks he shall portray. I am only guessing his obsession with dolls will be the main highlight wink*

It will be held in Anderson Hall, Room 819, 333 South Broad Street, Philadelphia, US of A. Big HUG dearie! I know you can do it!

p/s- more of the papertoy exhibition here.

I shall go back to enjoying the last bits of my weekend! Cheerio!

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